Cuba Newsreel - Compilation
primary_youtube_id: yhkBWoxAr_Q

Nixon-Kennedy debate on Cuba, 1960, Brigade 2506 party. Later, parade with Kennedy and wife prior to invading Cuba. Donovan, with no pix. Interview with Head of Communist League of Youth, 1964. Interview with Alfredo Guevara, head of ICAIC (Cuban Institute of Cinematographic Art & Industry Interview with Theo Christensen, Danish filmmaker working with ICAIC.
Digital formats available:
Quicktime (Pro Res)
Audio & visual:
Black & White
Stock Footage, B-roll, Newsreels
A collection of various newsreels B-roll, out-takes from the early 20th Century through to the 1980s, from Europe, Cuba, South and North America, Africa.

Cuba 1964
Stills and footage taken in Cuba during Peter Davis, Joy Davis, and Staffan Lamm’s time in Cuba making documentaries for Swedish TV, alongside newsreels and stock footage.