Anthony Lewis - Unedited Interview
primary_youtube_id: fWs0ZitKWaM

Excerpt 2
Excerpt 3
United States of America
Unedited interview with Anthony Lewis, an American public intellectual and journalist credited with creating the field of legal journalism in the United States.
Physical formats available:
Mini DV,
Betacam SP
Digital formats available:
Quicktime (Pro Res)
Audio & visual:
Filmed in Boston, USA 6th February, 1990. An unedited interview with Anthony Lewis — Pulitzer Prize winner and was a columnist for The New York Times — who talks about Black journalism and international sanctions made against the South African government during their apartheid rule. Part of a series of unedited interviews with South African (and some American) writers, journalists and activists made in the late ‘80s, discussing the subject of censorship, films, journalism and more.
Daniel Riesenfeld
Interview and Audio:
Peter Davis
South Africa Interviews
Unedited Interviews with South African (and some American) writers, journalists and activists made in the late ‘80s, mostly on the subject of censorship and films. Plus production stills and transcripts.