Sons Of Uncle Tom - Deep South

Features Fannie Lou Hamer, an American voting and women's rights activist, community organizer, and a leader in the civil rights movement. The work includes interviews and photos of Whitney Young, Roy Wilkins, Ralph Bunche, James Farmer, Lewis Michaux, John Lewis, James Baldwin, Bob Moses, Malcolm X, A. Philip Randolph, Bayard Rustin, Blyden Jackson, Joe Lewis, Rev. Dukes’ and church (Harlem), demonstrations, Harlem, Hubert F. Jordan (“Black Eagle”, Harlem), Elmer A. Carter, Alabama prison vehicles, Miss. State Penitentiary, Mayor Charles Simpson (Greenwood, Miss.), Rev. Lee Burns (Kirby, SC), Sumter and Mayesville, SC, Sheriff George Smith (Jackson, Miss.), Robert Smith (White Citizens’ council (Greenwood, Miss.), Gov. George Wallace (Birmingham), and more.