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Vrye Weekblad - Du Preez, Brull - B-roll

primary_youtube_id: l7bz7X2svtE
Excerpt 2
Excerpt 3
South Africa
1988, Vrye Weekblad - Du Preez, Brull - B-roll, South Africa, Newspapers, journalism.
Physical formats available:
Betacam SP
Digital formats available:
Quicktime (Pro Res)
Audio & visual:
Sound, Color

A snapshot of activity in the offices of anti-apartheid Afrikaans national weekly newspaper Vrye Weekblad that was launched in November, 1988. Features and interview with columnist Max Du Preez and b-roll. Part of a series of unedited interviews with South African (and some American) writers, journalists and activists made in the late ‘80s, discussing the subject of censorship, films, journalism and more.

South Africa Interviews
Unedited Interviews with South African (and some American) writers, journalists and activists made in the late ‘80s, mostly on the subject of censorship and films. Plus production stills and transcripts.
Stock Footage, B-roll, Newsreels
A collection of various newsreels B-roll, out-takes from the early 20th Century through to the 1980s, from Europe, Cuba, South and North America, Africa.