Bantu Education
primary_youtube_id: AKBfw_Dy5tk

South Africa
This film focuses on the education of Bantu-speaking people in South Africa under the Bantu Education Act — a South African segregation law that legislated for several aspects of the apartheid system.
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Bantu Education. Bantu Education Act - propaganda piece in favor of the education act but it actually promoted apartheid and separatism. - children in classroom - narration says it was giving back language instruction to the children by teaching them reading and writing native language. and cultural history various views of new schools being built and the various children chorus of teens singing outside one of the schools Sazi Mhlongo - administer of the school - says how happy he is to be given this position - seen in front of children assembled outside and leading them in the Lord's prayer.
South African Propaganda
During the apartheid era, the South African Information Service launched a campaign of propaganda and disinformation aimed at the Western powers, which it considered its natural allies against what it called the “Communist onslaught” to take over South Africa.
This campaign was both covert and overt, and ranged from what appeared to be straightforward tourist films to savage attacks on the ANC through a source apparently connected to the South African Information Service. The South African government spent millions of dollars to win support, with most of this effort being directed at the USA, where it had many influential sympathisers of the apartheid regime.
These VHS tapes represent an extremely rare collection of propaganda materials produced by the Information Service.