The ANC: A Time For Candour
primary_youtube_id: I39VaIObhCY

South Africa
A critical look at the philosophy, leaders, and activities of the African National Congress making the case that the ANC encourages violence, is a “peddler of the Soviet slant” and a communist organization. Examines links between the ANC and the United Democratic Front (UNF).
Physical formats available:
Mini DV
Digital formats available:
Quicktime (Pro Res)
Audio & visual:
South African Propaganda
During the apartheid era, the South African Information Service launched a campaign of propaganda and disinformation aimed at the Western powers, which it considered its natural allies against what it called the “Communist onslaught” to take over South Africa.
This campaign was both covert and overt, and ranged from what appeared to be straightforward tourist films to savage attacks on the ANC through a source apparently connected to the South African Information Service. The South African government spent millions of dollars to win support, with most of this effort being directed at the USA, where it had many influential sympathisers of the apartheid regime.
These VHS tapes represent an extremely rare collection of propaganda materials produced by the Information Service.