Dialectics Of Liberation - Stokely Carmichael - Out Takes

Closely watched by the police, he gave a fiery address at a Black Power meeting. Speaking under a portrait of Malcolm X, and sitting next to Britain’s notorious Michael X, he exhorted Britain’s blacks to action.
This was at a period when Carmichael was distancing himself from the non-violence of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), now openly accepting violence if that was the only way to effect racial equality and liberation in the Third World.
A little later at the Congress he shared a platform with Allen Ginsburg, Emmet Grogan of the Diggers movement, and anti-psychiatrist RD Laing. Carmichael’s speech provoked numerous challenges from members of his audience. Even before his speeches, he was declared persona non grata by the authorities, and ordered to leave the country.
This is the only record on film of Carmichael’s London visit, one in which he fully deployed his powers of oratory, provoking enthusiastic black support and strong white reaction.