Of Pipers and Wrens

Music, like its language, strongly defines Brittany. It has been through music that Bretons have been most successful in resisting strong pressures for cultural standardization from Paris and from American media dominance. In fact, despite these pressures, Breton culture thrives today.
In many lively scenes, the film explores how musicians of Brittany proudly perpetuate their Breton heritage at home, dances, festivals, classes, contests and concerts. Masters of the craft of all ages pass down songs, instrumental music, dance and storytelling as cultural lifeblood. Rather than resist the modern world, Bretons gladly employ the latest technologies to preserve and disseminate their heritage.
Musicians incude: Patrick Bardoul, Yves and Robert Bastard, Eugénie Duval, Annie Ebrel, Marcel Guilloux, Youebb Gwernig, Mathieu Hamon, Gilbert Hervieuz, Manel Kerjean, Yanbnig Larvor, Youenn Le Bihan, Nolùen Le Buhé, Ronan Le Corre, Teddy Molard, Yann Le Meur, Michel Toutous, Erik Marchand, Patrick Molard, Joesephine Noël, Albert Pulian, Marthe Vasallo.