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Shadowplay 1958
Shadowplay 1958
Stills taken during Peter Davis first film, Shadowplay, in Beddington School. His first and only fiction work.
Total items
Shadowplay - Award - Amateur Cine Club
Unfit For Children - The Sketches Of Shadowplay (1958)
Shadowplay, Wallington County Grammar School, Surrey, boys carrying corpse in costume
Shadowplay, Wallington County Grammar School, Surrey, moving camera
Shadowplay, Wallington County Grammar School, Surrey, abstract , fencing
Shadowplay, Wallington County Grammar School, Surrey, boys with 16mm camera
Shadowplay, Wallington County Grammar School, Surrey, crew setting up
Shadowplay, Wallington County Grammar School, Surrey, boys on camera, clapper
Shadowplay, Wallington County Grammar School, Surrey, school coat of arms
Shadowplay, Wallington County Grammar School, Surrey, Peter Davis and Bolex
Shadowplay, Wallington County Grammar School, Surrey, standing behind tripod
Shadowplay, Wallington County Grammar School, Surrey, boys carrying body
Shadowplay, Wallington County Grammar School, Surrey, teacher with 16mm
Shadowplay, Wallington County Grammar School, Surrey, boys in costume
Shadowplay, Wallington County Grammar School, Surrey, boys burying body
Shadowplay, Wallington County Grammar School, Surrey, clapperboard and ghosts