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The Mandelas
The Mandelas
A collection of items relating to Nelson and Winnie Mandela.
Total items
Interview With Lord Bethell
My Father Says - Zindzi Mandela
Interview With Oliver Tambo
Nelson Mandela, the Myth and Me
Winnie Mandela: Under Apartheid
Winnie Mandela: Under Apartheid - Unedited Interview
Nelson Mandela: Prisoner To President
Here Be Dragons
Interview With Zenani Mandela
Dorothy Mary Benson - Unedited Interview
Interview With Zenani Mandela - Transcript
Nelson Mandela: Prisoner To President - News Clipping
Winnie Mandela: Under Apartheid - Unedited Interview - Transcript
Nelson Mandela: Prisoner To President - Review
Nelson Mandela: Prisoner To President - Review
Nelson Mandela: Prisoner To President - News Clipping
Nelson Mandela - Unedited Interview 196 - Transcript Notes
Nelson Mandela: Prisoner To President - TV Review
Nelson Mandela: Prisoner To President - Review
Leipzig Film Festival Award
Nelson Mandela: Prisoner To President - News Clipping
Letter from the Mayor of London, Ken Livingstone
Winnie Mandela: Under Apartheid - Script
Nelson Mandela: Prisoner To President - Script
Arthur Mandela - Unedited Interview - Transcript Notes
Madiba And Me (2007)
Parliament Square, ANC activist Adelaide Joseph portrait
Parliament Square, carnival dancers, colourful
Parliament Square, long shot, Big Ben, Houses of Parliament
Nelson Mandela addresses crowd at Soweto Soccer Stadium
Woman smiling and dancing in Soweto Civic Health Team T-shirt
Nelson Mandela addresses crowd at Soweto Soccer Stadium
Parliament Square, crowds watch on from barriers
Long shot of stage at Soweto Soccer Stadium
Parliament Square, Nelson Mandela at podium, speaking
Parliament Square, carnival dancers, colourful, close-shot
Parliament Square, Nelson Mandela at podium, speaking, security forces
Parliament Square, Mandela walks on stage
Parliament Square, choir singing on stage
Crowd members at Soweto Soccer Stadium
Parliament Square, Nelson Mandela statue close-up
Parliament Square, carnival dancers, woman in shot, Brian May in attendance
Dancers in crowd at Soweto Soccer Stadium.
Parliament Square, carnival dancer, portrait
Parliament Square, attendees gather, big screen, Mandela
Parliament Square, carnival dancers, colourful, wide-shot
Parliament Square, carnival dancers
Parliament Square, Mandela on stage, applause
Parliament Square, Statue revealed, greetings, Mandela